FNBJ Holiday Hours: Closed Thanksgiving Day. Closing at Noon on Friday, November 29th. Open Saturday, November 30th 8:30-12:00.


Deposit Rates

Rates Effective November 15, 2023.

Certificates of Deposit

Comparison table of Certificates of Deposit
Minimum Balance Interest Rate APY*
3-Month CD $2,500 1.00% 1.00%
6-Month CD $2,500 1.50% 1.51%
9-Month CD $2,500 1.50% 1.50%
12-Month CD $500 2.00% 2.01%
18-Month CD $500 2.25% 2.26%
30-Month CD $500 2.25% 2.26%

Individual Retirement Accounts

Comparison table of Individual Retirement Accounts
Minimum Balance Interest Rate APY*
IRA $100 2.25% 2.27%
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